5. Regional Office for Europe
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(WHO/EURO:2024-10563-50335-75951 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-08, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-13)Overweight and obesity rates are rising in the Western Balkans Region. This document includes data on the current situation regarding overweight and obesity in Kosovo, implemented policy actions to revert the trend and ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-10639-50411-76124 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-11, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-13)Overweight and obesity rates are rising in the Western Balkans Region. This document includes data on the current situation regarding overweight and obesity in Albania, implemented policy actions to revert the trend and ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-10572-50344-75966 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-08, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-13)Overweight and obesity rates are rising in the Western Balkans Region. This document includes data on the current situation regarding overweight and obesity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, implemented policy actions to revert ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-10571-50343-75965 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-08, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-13)Overweight and obesity rates are rising in the Western Balkans Region. This document includes data on the current situation regarding overweight and obesity in Montenegro, implemented policy actions to revert the trend and ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-10562-50334-75949 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-08, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-13)Overweight and obesity rates are rising in the Western Balkans Region. This document includes data on the current situation regarding overweight and obesity in North Macedonia, implemented policy actions to revert the trend ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-10561-50333-75948 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-08, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-13)Overweight and obesity rates are rising in the Western Balkans Region. This document includes data on the current situation regarding overweight and obesity in Serbia, implemented policy actions to revert the trend and ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-9917-49689-76215 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-08)Выявление и решение проблем с несправедливостью в отношении иммунизации является центральным фактором успешности программ иммунизации, и это потребует совместных усилий всех компонентов программы иммунизации, а также ...
(Publication Date: 2024-11-08, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-13)The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is a large school-based survey carried out every four years in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. HBSC data are used at national/regional and ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-8319-48091-71320, Publication Date: 2024-11-08, Accepted: 2024-11-08, Available Online: 2024-11-08)
(Publication Date: 1981, Accepted: 2024-11-05, Available Online: 2024-11-05)Dans le domaine des sciences médicales, l’intérêt porté à la formation permanente n’a jamais été plus grand. De très nombreux programmes, avec toutes sortes d’activités connexes, sont maintenant consacrés à ce type de ...
(Publication Date: 1979, Accepted: 2024-11-05, Available Online: 2024-11-05)Le groupe de travail sur la réceptivité au paludisme et aux autres maladies d’origine parasitaire a été constitué dans le cadre d’un programme régional plus général, dont les principaux objectifs sont les suivants : ...
(Publication Date: 1979, Accepted: 2024-11-04, Available Online: 2024-11-04)A meeting on service-oriented research in adolescent fertility in Europe was held in Warnemünde, the former German Democratic Republic, on 24–27 April 1978. Concern had previously been expressed by the World Health ...
(Publication Date: 1979, Accepted: 2024-11-04, Available Online: 2024-11-04)An ad hoc technical group on road traffic accident statistics was convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, in collaboration with the Government of Czechoslovakia, in Prague on 26–28 ...
(Publication Date: 1979, Accepted: 2024-11-04, Available Online: 2024-11-04)A working group met at the National School of Public Health, Lisbon, on 26–29 September 1978 to discuss the development of mathematical models that simulate the interactions between the input, structure and output of health ...
(Publication Date: 1979, Accepted: 2024-11-04, Available Online: 2024-11-04)In 1976, the Twenty-ninth World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA29.20 in which it approved the Sixth General Programme of Work (GPW6) for the World Health Organization (WHO) during the years 1978–1983. Under GPW6, ...
(Publication Date: 1979, Accepted: 2024-11-04, Available Online: 2024-11-04)The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, in collaboration with the Government of Belgium, convened a working group on health significance of chemicals occurring naturally in drinking-water in Brussels ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-10864-50636-76606 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-01, Accepted: 2024-11-02, Available Online: 2024-11-02)Fungal infections are common among the general population and may be life-threatening, particularly for severely ill, immunocompromised and hospitalized patients. The proliferation of fungal strains can be triggered by ...
(WHO/EURO:2024-10753-50525-76351 (PDF), Publication Date: 2024-11-01, Accepted: 2024-11-02, Available Online: 2024-11-02)This progress report provides an overview of the activities of the Small Countries Initiative (SCI) Working Group on Human Resources for Health (HRH). The Working Group was established in 2019 at the Sixth High-level Meeting ...
(EUR/RC74(5), Publication Date: 2024, Accepted: 2024-11-01, Available Online: 2024-11-01)
(WHO/EURO:2024-10458-50230-75693 (PDF)WHO/EURO:2024-10458-50230-76358 (print), Publication Date: 2024-11-01, Accepted: 2024-11-01, Available Online: 2024-11-01)Уряд України прагне створити надійну систему охорони здоров’я, яка забезпечуватиме всіх громадян безкоштовними та високоякісними послугами відповідно до стандартів Європейського Союзу. Важливим чинником досягнення цієї ...