Reshaping health systems towards health outcomes : report on a WHO meeting, Celle, Germany 17-19 December 1997
Health care reform in Europe has stimulated growing interest in the outcomes of health care, especially the quality and cost-effectiveness of interventions, as well as in innovations in organization and management that affect the way objectives are set and resources allocated. The development and use of methods to monitor and evaluate health care activity are important for clinicians, policy-makers and managers alike. There is a growing literature on the effectiveness of such activity, now referred to as evidence-based medicine (clinical interventions in individual patient care) and as evidence-based health care (policy-making and management of the health care system). A major challenge is to disseminate such material so all concerned can use it. Quality of care development also improves performance throughout the health care system, stimulating the adoption of clinical practices that demonstrably produce the best, most cost-effective and equitable outcomes. Health care systems will be more readily reshaped in these ways, if relations between researchers and decision-makers improve so that research supports practice, policy-making and management in health careCitation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (1999). Reshaping health systems towards health outcomes : report on a WHO meeting, Celle, Germany 17-19 December 1997. Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe.
English onlyEURO; HQ
EUR/ICP/POLC 02 02 04(A)
37 p.