European Forum of Medical Associations and WHO : report on a WHO meeting, Basel, Switzerland 6-7 March 1998
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Despite the relocation of the meeting from Israel to Switzerland two weeks before the event, 68 representatives from 44 medical associations, and 6 observer organizations attended. They devoted much of their time to considering two major public health issues: "Future Health Policies: 2000 onwards", based on presentations by WHO, the European Commission, and the Council of Europe; and "Trends in sexually transmitted diseases". Other issues discussed were tobacco control, autonomy of medical practitioners and engagement of medical practitioners in Quality of Care Development (QCD). The Forum had earlier commented on the WHO Health for All (HFA) consultative document, noting the common features of the health policies being developed by the Regional Office for Europe and the European Union. In subsequent debate reflecting major concern over inadequate budgets for health in many countries in Europe, the Forum adopted a Statement on HFA Strategy and Health Care Resources. Major concern was also expressed over the adequacy of resources for curative care, on which the Medical Associations present in Basel themselves adopted a statement. Statements calling on the European institutions to resist amendment to the proposed tobacco advertising directive, and on the threats to the health of civilians in Kosovo were also adopted. The Forum noted that pilot project surveys of smoking among medical practitioners were nearly complete. Medical Associations will be receiving the material to carry out their own surveys in the near future. The Quality of Care booklet has been distributed to most National Medical Associations (NMAs), 17 of whom reported not only the establishment of QCD action groups or committees, but also many other actions. In response to wishes expressed in writing by NMAs, the Forum agreed to convene a meeting in autumn 1998 to determine the best way to set up joint collaborative efforts at regional or subregional level and promote engagement in QCD by their members. Financing of the Forum was the subject of a presentation and subsequent debate, and will be further explored. The establishment of a network of experts in identifying evidence of torture was reported. Owing to technical problems, the new enlarged Handbook of National Medical Associations in Europe, which contains all the Forum Statements, is being reprinted and will be distributed later in the yearCitation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (1999). European Forum of Medical Associations and WHO : report on a WHO meeting, Basel, Switzerland 6-7 March 1998. Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe.
EURO HQEnglish only
EUR/ICP/CORD 01 01 03
82 p.