Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety : report on the fifth annual meeting, Berlin, Germany 18-19 November 1999
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The fifth annual meeting of the Baltic Sea Network in Occupational Health and Safety was organized by the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Bilthoven Division, jointly with the German Ministry of Labour and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Berlin, in collaboration with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland. The meeting aimed at monitoring the present stage of development of the Network and at drawing up a plan for the further development of the organization and substantive activities of the Network. The main themes of the Fifth Meeting were: monitoring the relevant programmes of international organizations; economic appraisal of occupational health and safety; good practice in health, environment and safety management in enterprises; and a progress review of the Baltic Sea Telematic Information Network. The Meeting was attended by representatives of member institutions from the 10 countries around the Baltic Sea. Participants concluded that the WHO European Health21 objective on the protection and promotion of health in all stages of human life could not be achieved without the strengthening of occupational health and further development of workplace health managementCitation
Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety. Annual Meeting (5th: 1999: Berlin, Germany) & World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (2000). Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety : report on the fifth annual meeting, Berlin, Germany 18-19 November 1999. Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe.
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21 p.