Evaluation of national tuberculosis surveillance system in Afghanistan

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Aighanistan has 2 tuberculosis surveillance systems/ the Natiohal Tuberculosis Control Programme [NTP] and the Health Management Information System [HMIS]. An evaluation of these surveillance systems in January/February 2010 was done to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to formulate recommendations. Attributes of the programmes were evaluated using US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Usefulness and flexibility of the NTP system were good; stability, representativeness and data quality were average. Simplicity, acceptability and timeliness were poor. Reporting delays regularly exceeded 3 months. Positive predictive value and sensitivity were 11% and 70% respectively. The HMIS system was simple, acceptable and stable, with timely reporting. Reporting and feedback were good, as this system has strong government support. Flexibility, data quality and representativeness were average. Positive predictive value and sensitivity were 10% and 68% respectively. No outbreaks were detected by either system. The NTP and HMIS surveillance systems are duplicative and neither covers the private sectorCitation
Saeed, K.M.I., Bano, R. & Asghar, R.J. (2013). Evaluation of national tuberculosis surveillance system in Afghanistan. EMHJ - Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 19 (2), 200-207, 2013 https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/118436