Training manual for community-based initiatives: a practical tool for trainers and trainees
Investing in health, particularly that of the poor, is central to the achievement of the millennium development goals. in support of this strategy WHO's Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is actively promoting in countries of the region community-based initiatives like basic development needs, healthy cities, healthy villages and women in health and development. These approaches are based on the principle that good health status-an important goal in its own right-is central to creating and sustaining the capabilities of poor people to meet their basic needs and to escape from poverty. the community-based initiatives series is aimed at facilitating the management of such initiatives. users of the series may include government authorities, community representatives. WHO and other international agencies and non-governmental organizationsCitation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2006). Training manual for community-based initiatives: a practical tool for trainers and trainees.
Community-Based Initiatives Series (1), 2006