National Tuberculosis Control Programme: Democratic People's Republic of Korea

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The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the World Health Organization coordinated this first Joint Monitoring Mission (JMM) from 9-19 May 2014, to review the country's National Tuberculosis Control Programme (NTP). The review was undertaken jointly by the Ministry of Public Health, DPR Korea and the WHO with active participation of partners including UNICEF, Global Drug Facility; Green Light Committee, and technical experts. The objectives of the Mission were to review the performance of the National TB Programme compared to the National Strategic Plan 2008-15 and achievements against the set targets, and to review technical policies, specially, of the new interventions initiated since implementation of the Global Fund grant.The team reviewed documents and reports provided to them by the NTP, met with the NTP, national and international partners and visited health facilities implementing the national TB programme in the country at all levels. This report reflects the findings, outcomes of discussion, conclusions and recommendations of this JMM.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia. (2015). National Tuberculosis Control Programme: Democratic People's Republic of Korea. World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia.