Ways and means of implementing resolution of regional interest adopted by the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board
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The 52nd W orld Health Assembly and the 103rd Executive Board adopted resolutions oncertain issues of regional interest as set out below:(i) Status of collection of assessed contributions (WHA52.1)(ii) Arrears in payment of contributions (WHA52.3)(iii) Members in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent which wouldjustify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution (WHA52.4)(iv) Active ageing (WHA52.7)(v) Reimbursement oftravel expenses for attendance at regional committees (WHA52.9)(vi) Smallpox eradication: destruction ofvariola virus stocks (WHA52.10)(vii) Roll Back Malaria (WHA52.11)(viii) Towards a WHO framework convention on tobacco control (WHA52.l8)(ix) Revised drug strategy (WHA52.19)(x) Poliomyelitis eradication (WHA52.22)Citation
Regional Committee for Africa, 49. (2011). Ways and means of implementing resolution of regional interest adopted by the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/1952