Iodine deficiency disorders in the WHO African Region: Situation analysis and way forward

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Iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) refer to a wide range of health problems associated withiodine deficiency in a population. These health problems include goitre, stillbirth, stunted growth(cretinism), thyroid deficiency and mental defects (impaired neurocognitive development), and arepreventable by ensuring adequate intake of iodine. Pregnant women and young children living in IDD affectedareas are particularly at risk.2. Iodine deficiency is caused by low dietary intake of iodine. Populations living in areas where theiodine content in soil is depleted through repeated leaching by water and heavy rainfall are frequentlyaffected. Crops produced on such soil have inadequate levels of iodine.3. Iodine deficiency disorder is a public health problem in populations where the median urineiodine is less than 100 μg/l or where more than 5% of children aged 6 to 12 years have goitre. In areasof severe iodine deficiency, cretinism can affect 5% to 15% of the population and can cause a meanintelligence quotient loss of 13.5 points in the population.Citation
Regional Committee for Africa, 58. (2008). Iodine deficiency disorders in the WHO African Region: Situation analysis and way forward.