Climate Change and Health: Training Modules
This training package on climate change and health was prepared initially in 2009 and substantially revised by a group of experts in 2014. It is a product of collaborative effort of WHO/SEARO, WHO/WPRO and GIZ, Bonn. The training package consists of 16 standalone modules covering a range of topics that will prove very useful to build capacity of public health professionals who are involved in management of public health programmes impacted by climate change. The modules are also designed for ease of use by professionals from other sectors such as the environment, transport, disaster preparedness, etc., enabling them to understand the intersectoral nature of the issue and to address health impacts jointly with other sectors. One or more modules can be used as advocacy material as well as to orient different target audiences such as policymakers.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia. (2015). Climate Change and Health: Training Modules. WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia.