Eurohealth: the changing role of nursing

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There is no doubt that the role of nurses has been changing over the past few decades, not only in terms of their evolving clinical and managerial responsibilities but also in terms of their education and training. These processes have been affected in many ways bydevelopments at the European level, not least through directives on the free movement of professionals, as well as the mutual recognition of professional qualifications. Eurohealth Observer – the changing role of nursing, the state of nursing in the European Union, nurse migration, EU accession and nursing, and whether there is an EU framework for nurse education. Eurohealth International – Health priorities of the Dutch EU Presidency; Implementation status of the cross-border care Directive; Making sense of EU health law; Eurohealth Systems and Policies – Managed entry agreements in the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania); Opinion – What does the Euro Health Consumer Index tell us; and Eurohealth Monitor.Citation
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. (2016). Eurohealth: the changing role of nursing. Eurohealth, 22 (1), World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.