Core Health Indicators in the WHO European Region 2013: special focus: noncommunicable diseases
Following the example of previous editions, this 2013 edition presents comparable key health statistics on demographic and socioeconomic factors, health status, risk factors and health systems. Its special theme is noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), to which additional subsets of indicators have been dedicated. NCDs remain the leading cause of premature death, disease and disability in the WHO European Region. The publication also includes figures and tables illustrating country trends in cardiovascular disease mortality, child overweight and obesity as one of its risk factors and Member States’ work to limit the effects of risk factors. Monitoring NCDs is an important task in reaching key Health 2020 targets, and thus for implementing and evaluating the new European health policy. This process is further supported by the global monitoring framework on NCDs adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2013. The global framework is expected to drive progress in prevention and control of NCDs, and provide the foundation for advocacy, raising awareness, reinforcing political commitment and promoting global action. This publication was tabled as a background document for the discussion on Health 2020 monitoring framework, including indicators, during the Sixty-third session of the Regional Committee for Europe, Çeşme Izmir, 16–19 September 2013.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (2013). Core Health Indicators in the WHO European Region 2013: special focus: noncommunicable diseases. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.