Effective pandemic preparedness demands that governments confront hard questions about sovereignty
No-one is safe until everyone is safe. But what can be donewhen a country fails to take measures to control a pandemic virus? It poses a threat to its own people but also to its neighbours and beyond. Countries do pool sovereignty, working through supra-national structures, such as international agencies, or using processes set out in treaties, recognising the mutual benefits of the international rules-based system. Here we review the ways in which governments have, or have not worked together on other issues that pose a threat to global health and discuss the implications for pandemic responses.Citation
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, McKee, Martin & Greer, Scott L. (2021). Effective pandemic preparedness demands that governments confront hard questions about sovereignty. Eurohealth, 27 (1), 32 - 35. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/344941