Thirteenth meeting of the WHO Action Network on Salt Reduction on the Population in the European Region (ESAN): Virtual meeting, 2 September 2021
To help to facilitate progress towards the globally agreed target to cut salt intakes by 30% by 2025, the WHO Action Network on Salt Reduction in the Population in the European Region (ESAN) was established in 2007. The 13th ESAN Meeting took place virtually on 2 September 2021. The Meeting welcomed 39 participants, including representatives of 18 Member States, invited speakers and WHO staff. The meeting learned about a WHO study on salt intakes in the WHO European Region, new WHO global sodium benchmarks for different food categories and from two presentations to support reformulation for sodium reduction. In addition, eight Member States provided updates on their national salt reduction efforts. These included new studies on population salt intake, updates on national food reformulation initiatives and results of monitoring of salt/sodium levels in foods.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (2022). Thirteenth meeting of the WHO Action Network on Salt Reduction on the Population in the European Region (ESAN): Virtual meeting, 2 September 2021. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO