WHO Epidemiological Brief: a monthly publication on vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization data and analysis: No. 23, April 2012
As of 1 April 2012, a total of 4463 measles cases have been officially reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe from 25 Member States since the beginning of 2012. Incomplete reporting makes it difficult to provide an accurate number of measles cases for 2012 thus far. This officially reported number is much lower than the actual number, with the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, for example, reporting nearly 8000 cases on its website. Romania continues to report the highest number of rubella cases in the Region as it faces an ongoing outbreak. The WHO European Region has retained its polio‐free status after the 2010 outbreak, but remains at risk of the poliovirus importation while polio is still endemic in countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. A recent outbreak in China, which is no longer considered active, offers a sobering illustration of this risk. Consequently, it is critical to maintain high quality acute flaccid paralysis surveillance, enterovirus and environmental surveillance in the Region to ensure early detection of wild poliovirus importation.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (2012). WHO Epidemiological Brief: a monthly publication on vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization data and analysis: No. 23, April 2012. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/368904