Georgia: moving from policy to actions to strengthen primary health care: primary health care policy paper series
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that high-performing and accessible primary health care (PHC) is vital to build back better. Georgia is committed to improving the health of the population and increasing the efficiency of health services delivery by strengthening PHC. This publication from Primary health care policy paper series focuses on Georgia, with the aim of describing the current challenges facing PHC and providing pragmatic policy options for transitioning to a more community-oriented model. A new model of PHC should aim to be more responsive to the needs and expectations of the population and attractive to physicians and patients, especially in rural areas of Georgia. Shifting away from heavy reliance on costly specialist and inpatient services towards the greater utilization of integrated PHC services is no easy task. This requires new approaches to delivering PHC services and aligning health system enablers that support PHC providers as the first point of contact and coordinator of care. To do this, the publication details seven entry points for strengthening the PHC model of care and five policy levers for sustaining the transformation needed.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (2023). Georgia: moving from policy to actions to strengthen primary health care: primary health care policy paper series. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO