Evaluation: Annual report
The WHO South-East Asia Region recognizes the importance of, and is committed to, advancing the culture of ‘Evaluation’ in the Region as outlined in the WHO South-East Asia Regional Framework for Strengthening Evaluation for Learning and Development and the South-East Asia Region’s Evaluation Workplan for 2022−2023. Evaluation: annual report (SEA/RC76/16 Inf. Doc. 1) provides information on the progress made and challenges encountered in implementing the WHO Evaluation Policy 2018 and the Organization-wide Evaluation Workplan for 2022–2023. This report provides an update on the progress of implementation of the South-East Asia Region’s Evaluation Plan for 2022−2023. The Evaluation Annual Report covering theOrganization-wide workplan 2022–2023 that was submitted to the 153rd Session of the WHO Executive Board is attached as an Information Document (SEA/RC76/16 Inf. Doc. 1).The SE Asia Region collaborated with the WHO Global Evaluation Office at headquarters to improve the management of Evaluation in line with the Global EvaluationPolicy and the guiding principles provided by the WHO South-East Asia Regional Framework for Strengthening Evaluation for Learning and Development. The Framework,following the review undertaken by the Regional Office and after incorporating the lessons learnt over the past few years, has been revised and published in the SE Asia Evaluationwebsite.This Working Paper was presented to the High-Level Preparatory Meeting for noting the progress of the Organization-wide Evaluation Workplan 2022–2023 and updates on the implementation of the Regional Evaluation Plan 2022–2023, and for recommendations, if any. The HLP Meeting reviewed the paper and made the following recommendations for consideration by the Seventy-sixth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia.Action by Member States(1) Collaborate with respective WHO country office to take forward the recommendations from the evaluation exercises and incorporate them in the country plans and WHO operational planning, as well as in the development of the SE Asia Regional Evaluation Workplan for Programme Budget 2024–2025.Actions by WHO(1) Incorporate the recommendations from completed evaluations in discussions with countries by respective regional teams and country offices during Operational Planning of the Programme Budget 2024–2025. (2) Complete all planned evaluations as per the 2022–2023 workplan and roll over incomplete evaluations to the Regional Evaluation Workplan for 2024–2025.(3) Develop the draft SE Asia Region Evaluation Workplan related to the Programme Budget 2024–2025 along with the process of operational planning for the 2024–2025 biennium. This Working Paper and the HLP Meeting recommendations are submitted to the Seventy-sixth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia for its consideration and recommendations.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia. (2023). Evaluation: Annual report. World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/373011