Recommended health-based limits in occupational exposure to selected mineral dusts (silica, coal : report of a WHO study group [meeting held in Geneva from 6 to 12 March 1984]
Other Titles
Exposition c̉ertaines poussir̈es minřales (silice, charbon) : limites recommanděs d' exposition professionnelle v̉isě sanitaireAbstract
Evaluates the effects of inhaled mineral dusts containing relatively high levels of silica and of mixtures of dusts produced during the extraction and processing of coal. Utilizing data on exposure-effects and exposure-response relationships, the report sets forth recommendations based on an evaluation of the incidence of silicosis or coal-workers pneumoconiosis following exposure to silica and coal. Recommendations take account only of health considerations and do not include the problem of implementing operational limits. Annexed to the report are a definition of pneumoconiosis adopted in 1971, a summary of the international classification of radiographs of pneumoconiosis, and a table listing occupational exposure limits in selected countriesCitation
WHO Study Group on Recommended Health-Based Limits in Occupational Exposure to Selected Mineral Dusts (Silica Coal) & World Health Organization. (1986). Recommended health-based limits in occupational exposure to selected mineral dusts (silica, coal : report of a WHO study group [meeting held in Geneva from 6 to 12 March 1984]. World Health Organization.
World Health Organization technical report series ; no. 734
82 p.ISBN