Smoking control strategies in developing countries : report of a WHO expert committee [meeting held in Geneva from 22 to 27 November 1982]
Other Titles
Estrategias contra el tabaquismo en los países en desarrollo : informe de un Comité de Expertos de la OMS [se reunió en Ginebra del 22 al 27 de noviembre de 1982]Abstract
Highlights the harmful effects of smoking in developing countries, with emphasis on the need for concentrated action in those countries which have become the target for promotional campaigns by transnational tobacco companies. Separate sections cover the epidemiological and economic aspects of the smoking epidemic, the objectives of smoking control programmes, and legislative measures. The report concludes with recommendations for control of the smoking problem in developing countriesCitation
WHO Expert Committee on Smoking Control Strategies in Developing Countries & World Health Organization. (1983). Smoking control strategies in developing countries : report of a WHO expert committee [meeting held in Geneva from 22 to 27 November 1982]. World Health Organization.
World Health Organization technical report series ; no. 695
92 p.ISBN