WHO Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses [meeting held in Geneva from 1 to 7 November 1983] : sixth report
A review of recent changes in the pattern and spectrum of sexually transmitted diseases and a presentation of guidelines for a more practical approach to their treatment and control. Data on epidemiology, patterns of transmission, clinical manifestations, and available treatments are presented in order to characterize the nature and magnitude of problems linked to specific diseases. Particular attention is given to the difficult clinical problems created by the growing number of second generation pathogens, including Chlamydia trachomatis, the herpes viruses, human papilloma viruses, hepatitis virus B, and the human acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The book also explores problems associated with the development of antimicrobial-resistant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Haemophilus ducreyi, the emergence of demographic trends and new sexual practices supportive to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and the alarming increase in the prevalence and severity of related complications, including those with a major impact on maternal and infant morbidity. The most extensive sections of the book offer practical advice on the design and implementation of appropriate measures for treatment and control. The book concludes with a set of recommended therapies for these infections and an example of a protocol for a drug trial to evaluate the effectiveness of regimens for the treatment of gonorrhoeaCitation
WHO Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses & World Health Organization. (1986). WHO Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses [meeting held in Geneva from 1 to 7 November 1983] : sixth report. World Health Organization. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/39675
World Health Organization technical report series ; no. 736
Russian version of nos. 728-749 bound together (barcode no. 00073792)141 p.