Health Financing: a Strategy for the African Region Report of the Regional Director
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1. The manner in which a health system is financed affects its stewardship, input creation, serviceprovision and achievement of goals such as good health, responsiveness to people’s non-medicalexpectations (short waiting times, respect for dignity, cleanliness of physical facilities, qualitymeals) and fair financial contributions, so that individuals are not exposed to great financial risk ofimpoverishment.2. Countries of the Region are confronted with a number of key challenges including lowinvestment in health; low economic growth rates; dearth of comprehensive health financing policiesand strategic plans; extensive out-of-pocket payments; limited financial access to health services;limited coverage by health insurance; lack of social safety nets to protect the poor; inefficientresource use; ineffective aid; and weak mechanisms for coordinating partner support in the healthsector.3. In order to reach the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and achievenational health development objectives, national health systems in the African Region urgently needmore money; greater equity in health services financing and accessibility; efficient use of healthresources; and expanded coverage of health services, especially those targeting the poor. Countriesare urged to institutionalize national health accounts to facilitate financial planning, monitoring andevaluation.Citation
Regional Committee for Africa, 56. (2006). Health Financing: a Strategy for the African Region Report of the Regional Director. WHO. Regional Office for Africa.