Qualifications and Selection of the Regional Director
1. One responsibility of the fifty-fourth session of the Regional Committee for Africa, whichwill meet in 2004, will be to nominate a candidate for the post of Regional Director. The fortyeighthsession of the Regional Committee in 1998 decided by resolution AFR/RC48/R7 toestablish for the first time a regional search committee to assist the Regional Committee in thenomination process at its forty-ninth session.2. Resolution AFR/RC48/R7 adopted qualifications and criteria for selection and appointmentof the Regional Director applicable to that nomination, which included having an understandingand commitment to the WHO mission; leadership and managerial abilities; professional technicalqualifications; cultural, social and political sensitivity; and medical fitness.3. The Regional Committee is requested to consider whether or not it wishes to form a searchcommittee for the upcoming nomination of Regional Director at the fifty-fourth session next year.If so, it could use the same criteria for selection and appointment, as well as the same terms ofreference, as were adopted in AFR/RC48/R7. The search committee would operate under theexisting Rules of Procedure of the Regional Committee, especially Rule 52. If it decides toestablish a search committee, the Regional Committee is also requested to determine its size andcomposition as there are cost implications in this nomination process.Citation
Regional Committee for Africa, 53. (2003). Qualifications and Selection of the Regional Director. WHO. Regional Office for Africa. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/93275