Agendas of the One-hundred-and-eleventh Session of the Executive Board and the Fifty-sixth World Health Assembly: Regional Implications: report of the Regional Director
1. Dy rcsolution AfRlRC301R6, the Regional Committee. al ils thirticlh session, approved the Procedureof coordinating the agendas ofthe Goveming Bodies ofWl10 al global and regionallevcls.2. Pursuanl to Article 50 of the Constitution, opcralive paragraph 4(3) of Resolution WHA33.1 7, andReconuncndation 16 of the Executive Board Working Group. the Regional Commitlcc is invited 10 considcrthe provisional agenda of ils fifty-third session and decide on issues that should he reconuncndcd 10 the onehundred-and-cJevcnth session of the Executive Board and the fifty-sixth World Ileaith Assembly.Citation
Regional Committee for Africa, 52. (2002). Agendas of the One-hundred-and-eleventh Session of the Executive Board and the Fifty-sixth World Health Assembly: Regional Implications: report of the Regional Director. WHO. Regional Office for Africa.