Wellbeing measures in primary health care/the DepCare Project: report on a WHO meeting: Stockholm, Sweden, 12–13 February 1998
People with depression are often not treated optimally or treated at all. Manydepressed people do not seek help and, in most countries, only a few generalpractitioners are well equipped to diagnose and measure outcome for people whoseek treatment. The WHO Regional Office for Europe held a meeting on qualityassurance for mental health in 1993, as part of a broader project supported by theEuropean Forum of Medical Associations; it looked at indicators for acute depressioncare. The Regional Office held a meeting on patient outcome measures in mentalhealth in 1995 to review the results of studies made since the first meeting and torecommend further application and dissemination of indicators for long-term, acuteand community care. The objective of the Meeting on the Use of Wellbeing Measuresin Primary Health Care – the DepCare Project was to discuss guidelines for carryingout a range of studies in several European countries, and the use of screening tools toidentification and manage depression and psychological problems and stress-relateddisorders, with a focus on quality of care. The participants decided to set up acommon database hosted by the Regional Office.Citation
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (1998). Wellbeing measures in primary health care/the DepCare Project: report on a WHO meeting: Stockholm, Sweden, 12–13 February 1998. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/349766